The junction plate fit perfectly. It just took too long to get it, I think shipping could have been expedited more quickly
Junction plate works
I took to rails and combined them into one very long track that hold 2, 6x8ft custom built barn doors. It's works so great. My customer is on cloud 9! Thanks for a great product!
What's not to like?
Great products at a great price. Quality materials and workmanship shipped quickly and free!
The junction plate fit perfectly. It just took too long to get it, I think shipping could have been expedited more quickly
Junction plate works
I took to rails and combined them into one very long track that hold 2, 6x8ft custom built barn doors. It's works so great. My customer is on cloud 9! Thanks for a great product!
What's not to like?
Great products at a great price. Quality materials and workmanship shipped quickly and free!